Last weekend was the Teen Snow Retreat at Camp Chetek. The highlight of the weekend was getting to go with the youth group from Minnesota and getting to listen to Pastor Brian Trainer from Maranatha. When Brother Trainer spoke, it was all so simple but so mind blowing. It was like the Lord hit you between the eyes and said, "Why haven't you seen this before?" I have been thinking about the sermons all this week. Hopefully soon I will be able to post about them when the Lord wills. In the meantime, here are some pics from the weekend. Enjoy!
I am a born again Christian who by the grace of God is striving to serve and love Him with every fiber of my being.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
What Defines You?
I just found this video via Facebook. As I listened to Lizzie, it made me think back over my life and see, as a disabled teenager, what defines me. I challenge you to think about that as you watch and listen as Lizzie speaks.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
"As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness:
I shall be satisfied, when I awake,
with thy likeness."
Psalm 17:15
What gives you satisfaction? Maybe getting lots of schoolwork done or accomplishing a goal. But, what is satisfaction? I looked it up in the dictionary and according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, satisfaction is: a happy or pleased feeling because of something that you did or something that happened to you.
David says here that he would be satisfied when he awoke in God's likeness. Are you satisfied in God? The only REAL place to find satisfaction is in having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here are just four of the many things that people in our society today find satisfaction in:
1) Self
2) Things
3) People
4) Events
None of these things can truly bring us satisfaction. Because of our poor sinful state, self-satisfaction will do nothing for us, we will never be able to fully satisfy ourselves in our own strength. Also, the events that happen in our lifetime, and the things that we own are only going to count for dung when we get to Heaven. When we stand before Jesus Christ, the only thing that is going to count is what we did for the Lord. Lastly, we can't be truly satisfied in people because of our sin nature that started with Adam and Eve. People have and will continue to let us down.
So I'm asking, where do you find your satisfaction? Is it in a personal relationship with Christ? Or, are you living in this world constantly looking for that one thing that will make you satisfied for the rest of your life?
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
2014: Passage, Quote & Goals
As I think back over this past year, I realize how much I have to be thankful for. I made a lot of unforgettable memories and the Lord taught me many valuable lessons that I will never forget. This year, I decided that I would pick a passage, a quote, and write down some goals for the year. I am hoping that in posting them on my blog that it will keep me more accountable to actually accomplish my goals. So, here it goes:
Passage: James 1:12, 19-20
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation:
for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life,
which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear,
slow to speak, slow to wrath.
For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
All of us should live so as to be able to face eternity at any time.
~ Cassie Bernall
- Grow more in the Lord.
- Study the Bible more.
- Make a habit of waking up earlier. ;) (for those of you that know me,
this might make you laugh a little but, everything is possible with the Lord's help)
- Blog at least once a week.
- Get a job.
- Memorize at least one book of the Bible. (if you have a suggestion, please comment as I am not quite sure what book it will be yet)
- Go on a missions trip.
- Teach piano.
- Spend more time with friends and family.
- Continue to minister to others.
- Continue to serve the Lord.
New Years Eve Party 2013
What better way to welcome a new year in and celebrate what happened in the last year than with a group of wonderful friends? Many memories were made, lots of food eaten, laughs, more food, giggles, food, jokes, and yes you probably guessed, more food. ;) I am so thankful for my youth group and youth leaders. We have shared many memories and learned a lot of lifetime lessons together. Here are some pictures from our New Years Eve party for 2013. Enjoy!
Jennica & I
A very intense game of Settlers of Catan
(I think??)
A very intense...or maybe not so intense game of the Conquest of the Empire
Us being normal
Ok, to be truthful, this is probably more like our normal selves ;)
All of us girls
Catch Phrase
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