
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Why am I here? What is my purpose?

These are two questions that plague many single girls' minds..........

Why am I here? 

What is my purpose? 

Today Brother Clark preached in chapel out of the book of Haggai. Chapter one verses five and seven both say "...Consider your ways." 
The whole sermon was amazing but it was one of his concluding statements that has stuck with me: "My purpose is world-wide evangelism!" 

This got me to thinking about my fellow single ladies. In our culture today so many girls - both just out of highschool and those just out of college - just sit at home and do nothing while waiting for their "prince." Yes, they may be working a job, investing in friends and family and living out on their own but they aren't out working for the Lord! This reality ought not so to be! As single girls' we (I'm "preaching to the choir" here) ought to be using our years old single years to serve the Lord in capacities that we either won't be able to or that will be harder to do once there's a man in the picture. 

Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 7:34 "There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband." 

Yes, we know Paul was single and he knew that his ministry was better because of it but God does not intend for everyone to remain single. Nor does He intend for everyone to marry. However, no matter which category you fall into He does expect you to love and serve Him. 

The conclusion of all this? We must be using our years of singleness to give total devotion to God. So, instead of just sitting at home....
- God where God wants you to go 
- Do what God wants you to do 
- Love those God brings into your life
- Serve God with your whole heart 
- Immerse yourself in God's Word and God's will for your life

Total and complete surrender, focus, devotion and commitment to my Savior, my Abba Father - this is why I'm here, this is my purpose - to serve, honor and love my Savior in such a way that will evangelize the world. 

~ Ruby James 

(While this is written from a girl's perspective, I imagine in some aspects it can also be applied to guys also.)

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