
Monday, September 29, 2014

Just A Sinner Saved By Grace

If you could see what I once was
If you could go with me
Back to where I started from
Then I know you would see
A miracle of love that took me
In it's sweet embrace
And made me what I am today
Just an old sinner... saved by grace

I'm just a sinner saved by grace
When I stood condemned to death
He took my place

Now I live and breathe in freedom
With each breath of life I take
Loved and forgiven, backed with a living
I'm just a sinner saved by grace
How could I boast on anything
I've ever seen or done?
How could I dare to claim as mine
The victories God has won?
Where would I be
Had God not brought me
Gently to this place?
I'm here to say I'm nothing
But a sinner saved by grace

I'm just a sinner saved by grace
When I stood condemned to death
He took my place

Now I grow and breathe in freedom
With each breath of life I take
I'm loved and forgiven backed with a living
I'm just a sinner saved by grace
Now I grow and breathe in freedom
With each breath of life I take
I'm loved and forgiven backed with a living
I'm just a sinner saved by grace

Brother Grant Friese sang this song in church this morning. The message of the song is so powerful. To just sit and realize that that's all I am! A sinner saved by the grace of God!!!  If it weren't for Christ, we would have and be nothing! 
It really hit me this morning, why would God be willing to send this wretched sinner saved by grace on a missions trip? If it weren't for Christ, His leading and the support from my family, friends, and church family,  I wouldn't be going on this missions trip! I am so blessed! This morning my home church took up a free will offering for my trip; through that and a couple other people, the Lord provided 95% of the money that I needed for my trip. I am still in awe that God would be so gracious to this sinner saved by grace. I just want to thank all those that have supported me financially or through prayer. I can't wait to see what He has in store for me on this missions trip!!

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