
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

What did it take for this girl to survive her first semester of college?

About 1,100+ ounces of coffee. 

7 jars of peanutbutter.

Lots of time in God's Word. 

Many care packages from home.

Lots of Bible memorization.

Lots and LOTS of piano playing.

And lots of encouragement and memories with old friends...

...and new friends. 

One more thing that I couldn't have survived college without is my parents and all the encouraging texts and phone calls. 

Here's just a few pictures from my first semester of college. I had a wonderful first semester. It was hard to be away from home but God is stretching me and preparing me for what lies ahead. I can't wait to see what He will teach me during this next semester. :)
~Ruby James

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Who Shall Stand...

I just love it when God just drops an awesome truth in my lap! Last night as I was reading Psalm 130 for my devotions, verse 3 popped out at me. It says:

"If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, 
O Lord, who shall stand?" 

This verse hit me like a ton of bricks. Even as a Christian, if Christ kept track of my iniquities (sins) everyday, I would have no hope of having a personal relationship with Him or of spending eternity with Him in Heaven. 

But, because of how awesome God is, He promised us in Psalm 103:12 that 

"As far as the east is from the west, 
so far hath he removed our transgressions
 from us."

If you were to start walking north, eventually you would have to head south again but no matter how long you walk east, you'll never start heading west and vice versa. 

I can't explain how thankful I am for this truth. God knows just when we need to be humbled and awed by Him. 

(Sorry this post is very short but, it's short and sweet. I also apologize for having not posted in forever...I said I was going to post stories and lessons from camp but the two weeks I had between camp and coming to college was crazy busy. Sorry!) 
~ Ruby James 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Shriners Gala

Tonight I had the honor of playing at the first annual Shriners Gala. I had so much fun playing the piano and seeing some of my doctors, nurses and therapists.

As we sat and listened to the different speakers during the program, I couldn't help but think of how thankful I am for Shriners Children's Hospital in the Twin Cities. I have been a patient at the hospital since I was 6 months old. It wasn't until we went to Shriners that Mom and Dad were given any hope that I would be able to walk and be a "normal" child. I have thoroughly enjoyed going to Shriners over the years. Shriners isn't just a children's hospital, it is a family of caregivers and patients all working together to better the lives of disabled children. If it weren't for the Lord's mighty hand in my life and the way He has used the doctors and nurses at Shriners, I don't know where I would be today. Over the last 18 years I have had 21 surgeries done by the doctors and surgical staff at this wonderful hospital and through each one of these surgeries, the whole staff has not only taken care of me medically but they have taken care of me emotionally as well. They don't see me as just another medical case, they see me as a normal person.

Tonight I felt very special when I had mentioned to a couple of my doctors that I wanted to get pictures taken with them and after the program was done, they came and found me to get these pictures taken. They went out of their way just to make sure I got those pictures. I am so thankful for not only what Shriners has done for me medically but how loving and caring the whole medical staff has been over the years.

I sure am going to miss the doctors, nurses, therapists, x-ray technicians and all the other medical staff. Yes, I will enjoy not having to go to the doctor all the time but, through Shriners, I have gained another family. A family that has helped me grow into who I am today.

How do I adequately thank such a wonderful team of caregivers that have done so much for me? A simple "thank you" just doesn't seem enough. But, because I do not know how else to put it, I want to say "thank you."

Thank you to my doctors who have performed surgeries and have kept pushing me to be a normal child.

Thank you to the nurses, both outpatient and inpatient that have been there for me...especially those night crew nurses who have had to deal with crabby me.

Thank you to the orthodics department and for their expertise in making my foot splints and shoe inserts.

Thank you to the therapists who have worked with me to restrengthen muscles and who have helped me figure out how to do even the simplest things like brush my hair.

Thank you to the child life specialists...all the crafts, games and movies that have kept me busy while in the hospital.

Thank you to the surgical team for getting me through all my surgeries.

Thank you to the kitchen staff for all the healthy meals that have helped me regain my strength after surgery.

Thank you to the women's auxiliary for providing all my walkers, crutches and wheelchairs.

Thank you most of all for all your love and support and for pushing me to be a normal kid.

Here are some pictures of me with my nurses, doctors and therapists. Enjoy!

 Dr. Smithwright & I 
(the head pediatrician in the IPCU)
Nancy & I 
(one of the nurses in the IPCU) 
 Lena & I 
(She used to be an IPCU nurse when I was little. After every surgery, she would bring around her bag of fingernail polish and paint all the girl's nails.)
 Dr. Mielke & I 
(my back and lower extremities specialist who has done all my surgeries over the last year and a half)
 Abby, Me & Kathy 
(Abby is one of the child life specialists)
 Kathy & I 
(who is one of the head nurses in the IPCU)
Kerry & I
(who is one of the many wonderful therapists) 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Ten Thousand Angels

They bound the hands of Jesus in the garden where He prayed;
They led Him through the streets in shame.
They spat upon the Savior, so pure and free from sin.
They said "Crucify Him! He's to blame."

Upon His precious head they placed a crown of thorns;
They laughed and said "Behold the King!"
They struck Him and they cursed Him, and mocked His holy name.
All alone He suffered everything.

He could have called ten thousand angels to destroy the world and set Him free.
He could have called ten thousand angels,
But He died alone for you and me.

When they nailed Him to the cross,
His mother stood nearby;
He said, "Woman, behold thy son!"
He cried, "I thirst for water,"
But they gave Him none to drink.
Then the sinful work of man was done.

To the howling mob He yielded;
He did not for mercy cry.
The cross of shame He took alone.
And when He cried, "It's finished,"
He gave Himself to die.
Salvation's wondrous plan was done.

He could have called ten thousand angles to destroy the world and set Him free.
I could have called ten thousand angels,
But He died alone for you and me.

He could have called ten thousand angels......
Christ didn't have to die on the cross. It would've only taken a few simple words and He would've been in Heaven instead of dying on that tree for me and for you...horrible, wretched sinners. But He didn't. He *chose* to die on that tree. The Bible says in John 19:30 that "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost." Jesus gave Himself up to die for me...a wretched, undeserving sinner.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Psalm 91:2

This is my verse that I have chosen to cling to through this surgery and recovery time. 

The Lord is *MY* refuge, *MY* fortress and *MY* God. I will put my complete trust in Him. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

My Plans Are Not His Plans

*I* am going to work at Hardees all school year.

*I* am going to save enough money to go to college.

*I* am going to graduate in May.

*I* am going to work at camp this summer.

*I* am going to go to college this fall.

This was my mindset all this last fall. *I* had my senior year all planned out...or so I thought.

That was until December 16 when my doctor called with the news that my foot was infected...again. I had to quit my job at Hardees and have the first of two surgeries on January 13th. The first surgery, they removed the infected part of the tibia and replaced it with an antibiotic-filled cement spacer. They also put a central line in in order to give me intravenous antibiotics for 6 weeks. That surgery was followed by a second surgery this last Wednesday in which they removed the cement spacer and replaced it with a rod and four screws.

Throughout these last three months, the Lord has been teaching me trust. Before I found out my foot was infected again, my whole mindset was "I am going to do this. I am going to do that." I wasn't trusting the Lord at all, I was trying to do everything in my own strength. Then shortly after I found out my foot was infected, the Lord brought to mind Jeremiah 29:11-13 which says:

"For I know the thoughts I think toward you, 
saith the Lord, 
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, 
to give you an expected end. 
Then shall ye call upon me, 
and ye shall go and pray unto me, 
and I will hearken unto you. 
And ye shall seek me, and find me, 
when we shall search for me with all your heart." 

The Lord has really been teaching me to trust in Him for everything. Many people have asked me if I still plan on going to Ambassador for college this fall and how I'm going to pay for it. Honestly, I have no idea where the money is going to come from. I have enough money in savings to pay the first payment in June but beyond that, I don't know. Yes, I have thought and prayed about maybe staying home for a year and working but every time I do, the Lord brings Ambassador back to the forefront of my mind. I am not able to go back to working fast food because of the amount of stress it puts on my feet and the Lord hasn't shown any other job options. Right now I am just trusting the Lord and if He wants me to go to college, He will provide the money and if not, He will show me what else He wants me to do.  

I am praising the Lord that my plans are not His plans and am looking forward to what else He has to teach me through the rest of this recovery time. Prayers would be appreciated as I spend the next six weeks in a wheelchair and then have six weeks of partial weight bearing before I am completely back on my feet. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Theme Verse & Quote

This last Sunday my uncle did an overview of 1 Peter in Sunday school. I had been looking for a verse to claim through this time and as soon as Uncle Eric read this verse, I knew God had written it just for me. "...Let him glorify God on this behalf." That phrase really struck me...God does everything in our live's for a purpose...but it is our choice how we respond. I have decided that no matter what happens with my foot, I want to glorify God with how I live and respond.  
I have been reading Cary Schmidt's book "Discovering Your Destiny". (I would highly recommend this book to anybody looking for a good solid book on discovering what God wants you to do in your life.) As I was reading the chapter on going through trials and how we are to respond, this quote stuck out to me. We won't enjoy every situation that God places us in but God has a purpose for everything. The hardest part is trusting him and knowing that there is a purpose and a lesson for us to learn to grow and mature us into who He wants us to be. 

This is my theme verse and quote as I go into surgery #20. Please pray as I go in for my medically induced nap at 10:45am. I will try my best to keep everybody updated. 

(Thank you to my dear friend, Ashley, for these beautiful pictures!)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

It's Finally Here!!!

2016. It's here. It's now. I have been looking forward to the year of 2016 ever since middle school. 2016...the year I graduate from high school...the year I can work summer staff at camp...the year that I go off to start the grand adventure called college...and many other experiences and responsibilities that come with being an adult. 2016.

Ok...2016 is what?

As I have been thinking back over the years, I have begun to realize that I missed out on a lot. I was constantly looking forward to 2016 that I missed the little things. Sure, I have lots of memories of the big things but I don't remember many of the small things: the times that a family member or friend did or said something to brighten my day, the horrible puns my brother said that would make me laugh and want to slap him both at the same time and all the times of just sweet fellowship with my family and friends (even if they were filled with short jokes and blonde jokes). I was constantly looking forward to 2016 that I didn't thoroughly enjoy life...I didn't pay attention and remember the little things.

James 4:14 says "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? it is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

All those years that I spent waiting for 2016 are now gone, they have "vanished away". Life is short! We don't know how much longer we will be on this earth. It is only by the grace of God that we wake up each morning. Every day is a gift from God, a gift to be cherished.

I want to challenge both you and myself to pay attention to the little things in life...the little blessings. Maybe even buy a journal and write them down so in years to come you can look back on the little things, the little rays of sunshine. Don't do what I did and waste precious time living in the future, looking forward to a certain date, year or event. Live in the present. Pay attention. And don't forget to thank God for the little things in life.

~Ruby James